
Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Microsensor for Enviromental Monitoring

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Microsensor for Enviromental Monitoring

本課程教材主要是針對空氣及水質的微感測元件進行介紹, 課程材料包含 ..

Chih-Ting Lin
Interface Circuit Design of Environmental Sensing Devices

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Interface Circuit Design of Environmental Sensing Devices

Hsin-Shu Chen
Introduction and Implementation of AI Accelerator

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Introduction and Implementation of AI Accelerator

本模組將使用SystemC語言以及Platform Architect..

Kun-Chih Chen
Gesture Tracking and Recognition Based on FPGA

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Gesture Tracking and Recognition Based on FPGA

複習深度學習與物件辨識之觀念。本課程模組會讓同學從 PC 端實做手勢追..

Shanq-Jang Ruan
Image Processing Chip Design for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Image Processing Chip Design for Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles

Teach students the basic knowledge of digital integrate..

Dr. Shih Lun Chen
Edge AI Accelerator Architecture for TinyML Model

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Edge AI Accelerator Architecture for TinyML Model

Tsung Tai Yeh
Analog-to-Digital Converter for Intelligent Sensing Chips

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

Analog-to-Digital Converter for Intelligent Sensing Chips

This ADC course is a graduate-based IC design course co..

Yung-Hui Chung
AI Accelerator Design for Intelligent Image Processing (2023)

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

AI Accelerator Design for Intelligent Image Processing (2023)

Chao-Tsung Huang
High-Level Synthesis of Digital Systems

Talent Cultivation Project for Intelligence Network System and Application

High-Level Synthesis of Digital Systems

高階合成(High-Level Synthesis, HLS)的概念很..

Chien-Nan Liu