Linux Systems and Open Source Software
Last Updated Date 2023-03-03
- Course Sorts:Talent Cultivation Project for Unmanned Vehicle / First
- Course Introduction:
Linux is one of the most popular Unix-like operating systems in the world. As open-source software, the Linux-based systems have been used in a variety of computer systems, ranging from cellphones to data centers. The aim of this course is to prepare the students for the basis of autonomous driving system development on the Linux environments. After a brief introduction of the major hardware components in commodity PCs, we will talk about the basic concepts/tools that could be used in the open-source projects, such as version control systems, text editor, shell scripting, and makefile. In addition, we will introduce the basis of Linux system management, regarding software packages, running processes, networking, and performance analysis. Finally, we will cover the basics of the autonomous driving system. Each class session is divided into two parts: lecturing and hands-on lab.
Course Attachments
Update Time 2022-03-17 15:55:32
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- 無人載具-110年度-Linux系統與開源軟體-示範影片-1.mp4(166.55 MB)
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- 無人載具-110年度-Linux系統與開源軟體 MB)
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Download Times 2 Linux 2020 Fall_Labs
- 無人載具-110年度-Linux系統與開源軟體 MB)
Update Time 2022-03-17 15:58:21
Download Times 5 推廣資料下載
- 無人載具-110年度-Linux系統與開源軟體-推廣資料下載 MB)